
Hi. I'm Lisa.
Metalsmith. Music lover. Cat lady who curses a lot.
I specialize in vintage and antique glass set in sterling silver built by me. My pieces are feminine and fierce, beautiful but a little dangerous, perhaps protective like a talisman (or maybe a good luck charm). A little bit western, a little bit fancy, a little dark.
Pretty. Badass.
I've always been a maker. As a kid in 4-H I was in (what feels like) all the projects except animals. Clothing construction was my main focus, taught by my mom who was taught by her mom. I also loved leatherworking, stitchery, and rocketry. Because I was judged on my projects each year at the fair, I learned at an early age to hold my work and myself to a higher standard. Once a 4-Her, always a 4-Her, and the motto still sticks with me -- "To make the best better." No matter how good you are, you can still improve.After high school I went to the University of Kansas to pursue a degree in Design, emphasis in Jewelry and Metalsmithing. "To pursue" is misleading because I really planned on changing my major once I got there. Most people do, right? Well. I never did. They used to say that to get a job, you just needed a degree and it didn't much matter what kind. Because of that, I never really planned on working in the field. WELL. You see how that turned out.
I started Luckstruck (officially) in 2014 with my first sale on Etsy. Since then I've shipped a little bit of Luckstruck to every state in the US, a couple dozen countries, and every continent except Africa (yes, I've shipped to Antarctica, long story). The name 'Luckstruck' is, in my mind, a synonym for serendipity. I've been incredibly fortunate to end up right where I was meant to be despite my misguided notions to the contrary. I'm a lifelong Kansan (Midwestern AF) married to my very favorite person. I love cats, Texas/Red Dirt/Americana music, thrift shopping, and tequila.